SAHD blues

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This has never been a blog about being a stay-at-home dad. There are plenty of such blogs out there, many worth a read. Still, I recently was made aware of this song from A Prairie Home Companion, and feel compelled to share the lyrics. They're really spot-on as to how it feels out there some days.

I bundle up Moira and Kate
And take them to ballet which is great
And I sit and read a book in the hall
And mothers do not talk to me at all.

They sit down at their end and I at mine
And they glance my way from time to time
And those little glances really hurt:
I can see that they are thinking: per-vert.

Read the whole thing and listen to the song here.


3 Responses to “SAHD blues”
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Tina Laurel Lee said...

I'm sorry about that. I've heard that before from other stay at home dads. One SAHM told me that one of the SAHD was too appealing and too much of a risk to befriend.

I'm not sure if that is a comfort, but it could be a compliment.

January 14, 2010 at 12:21 PM
Beth said...

You better not be out there appealing to other women!!! ;)

January 14, 2010 at 12:51 PM