WIP dreams

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Eric Stevens giveaway is officially closed. I'll announce the winner early next week, and in that post I'll also include the final portrait, with ink and shading, of Eric Stevens, by Sean Tiffany.

Today, I'm back to my current WIP, aka YA MS the Third. It's my genuine obsession. Last night, I dreamed I was the protagonist, running around Greenpoint, visiting a bike repair shop that also served espresso drinks. It was a very cool place, and it was run by a guy named Jim, who I think was a counselor at my sleepaway camp when I was about ten or eleven. I'm not sure the idea of a coffee counter at a bike repair shop would be a good idea in reality*, and I don't think I need to add a cycling motif to the WIP at this point, but it was pleasant to dream about my characters a little. Protagonist wore some really cool jeans, like a member of the Smiths or something.

Speaking of the WIP, it's made the rounds in the Otters (my online crit group) and has gotten some very good and some very . . . errr, constructive comments. Good: nice writing! Bad: no plot! So I have gone back to the beginning and written up a nice beefy synopsis that I think has added quite a lot of tension and hopefully a nice arc and all that story stuff. Now I need to start the rewrite. So what am I doing here, blogging?

*Um, apparently it is a good idea, since there is a popular one right here in the Twin Cities.


4 Responses to “WIP dreams”
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Mellow Johnny's, the bike shop Lance Armstrong owns down in Austin, TX has a coffee shop in it, too. Apparently it's a really good idea. :)

August 21, 2009 at 11:12 AM
Brooklynbee said...

Steve, do you remember my dream of opening up a coffee shop/laundromat? I even had a name picked out: Java Wash.

August 21, 2009 at 11:50 AM
Steve Brezenoff said...

Of course I remember, Bee. I still say the smell of laundry while sipping coffee might be off-putting, but I will hope on your behalf that your dream comes true some day.

Let's also not forget the brilliant vintage arcade/bar my cousin and I hoped to open, to be called Zen Arcade. Of course, Williamsburg's Barcade is essentially what we had in mind, so I guess we were right and too slow and unmotivated.


August 21, 2009 at 12:06 PM
Alea said...

Oh I've so been there! And recently even. I too wondered what the deal was with a bike shop/cafe. I asked my friend if we could really eat there lol!

August 21, 2009 at 1:20 PM