I am the slackingest blogger of all time, with many millions of notable exceptions.
The simple fact is, there isn't much to report. I've been reading an ARC of Liar, by Justine Larbalestier. I just finished part one, and am completely undecided as to how I feel about this book. The writing is strong, the story is compelling, as are the characters, and yet I cannot say for certain that I like the book. There's a very good chance I actually do like the book; my feelings toward it have been improving slowly over the course of part one. Actually, at this point I'm even thinking it's totally worthy of a nomination for the Mock Printz for that adolescent lit class I'm in. I wonder if part of my ambivalence comes from the narrator. I don't like her, well, at all. She's sort of horrible and a big liar, obviously. Yes, I think that's where my ambivalence comes from indeed.
In writing news, there ain't much. I'm still working on YA MS the Third. It's going slightly sluggishly. Here is why: I have outlined the book completely, and when I outline (usually after having exhausted my off-the-cuff material), I always come to a streaking halt. The writing begins to feel quite a bit like work (heaven forbid!), and I consider it a good night if I can squeeze out five hundred or so words. Last night I had a write-night, and finished up a chapter I had started on Friday night.
I'm so not keeping up with the JuJu challenge.
Oh, and I sent the first nine pages of YA MS the Third to those gentlemen in my new crit group. The consensus seems to be the writing is strong, but my experimental ideas might try readers' patience. For now, I think, they are willing to wade through this with me. I maintain hope that it will work. (Have I mentioned the experimental aspects? They exist. I shall say no more about them!)
What else? I took Sam to a Music Together class yesterday morning. It was fun. I do think Sam will get more out of it when he can walk and stand on his own, but I think we'll sign up for the full summer session. He just loves to dance so much. See?
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We need to have a talk about LIAR once of these days, once you're done with it. I gobbled it down in one sitting and am left with lots of thoughts. A sign of a provocative novel, to be sure, but I would LOVE to bounce some of my questions off of someone else.
June 13, 2009 at 8:46 AMPost a Comment