Lo and behold, it did, clearly. Still, I loved the book and will likely buy it. (I read the library's copy for once. I underuse our local library; it's rather a shame.)
In other news, SIL will be here in four hours or so to babysit for the afternoon. Class doesn't begin until six, so that will give me a good chunk of hours to do some work. Revisions, this time, rather than straight writing. This is both a shame and a thrill: it's the first round of revisions on YA Novel the First, so I'm excited about that aspect; but my WIP is feeling ignored lately, I think. Still, it can wait. After all, YA Novel the First waited years upon years to be finished, and it turned out okay.
What else? I'm the first Tenner to read The Snowball Effect, by Holly Nicole Hoxter, fellow Tenner. The ARC arrived unceremoniously on my porch yesterday morning, and upon finishing Cures, I started Snowball. More deceased mothers. But still, excellent, and yes, Holly, there are indeed many funny parts, too.
ETA: Thank you, Micol, for reminding me to note that The Snowball Effect will be on sale 3/23/2010.